Rapid Prototype Of Plastic Components

Consider 3D printing for rapid prototypes plastic components 

The use of 3D printing technology to create prototypes has been happening for decades, in fact, the term ‘rapid prototyping’ existed long before 3D printing was used as a term. As it says on the tin, rapid prototyping is very fast compared with traditional techniques such as model making or soft tooling. This means that designs can be rapidly manufactured, tested and iterated, accelerating the product development phase.

Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) 3D printing technology is known for its ability to create small to medium size production runs of end use material but this doesn’t preclude it from being an excellent choice for rapid prototyping. The fact that MJF produces highly durable components that are close in performance to many end use injection moulded plastics means that evaluation is more accurate. With MJF there is also the advantage of going straight from rapid prototype to MJF volume production either as the final means or as a bridge to mass manufacture in injection moulding.

At 76 Additive we can print your prototypes in 2-3 days, develop and iterate faster

Our professional and friendly team will walk you through the process from prototype to low volume 3D print production thanks to their years of design, engineering, and product development experience.

For an instant quote, or tio discuss your project get in touch with our team today.


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